MEETINGS  - The Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The Consortium AGM for 2024 will be held on Sunday 5th May at the Stoke Bruerne Canal Museum, Northamptonshire. Full details will be in the Spring Newsletter to members and in the members only section of this website. All members welcome. Meeting starts at noon.

The last Consortium AGM was held in May 2023 at the Buckinghamshire Railway Centre;see the photo below left.


Previous venues have been: the Oxford Bus Museum, Long Handborough, Oxfordshire, The National Computing Museum, Bletchley Park, and the de Havilland Museum, Hertfordshire.

All members are welcome with or without their Flavia and 2000 cars.


Recent policy decisions made at the AGM have been on new parts to be manufactured, storage of our large stock of secondhand parts and the use of funds for the benefit of the members.

The Consortium members are often members of the Lancia Motor Club UK and attend their meetings to show and raise the profile of the Consortium




The Consortium has for sale a number of new and reconditioned parts. Recently, we have had a large stock of water pumps restored by a specialist in the UK, had remanufactured rubber bushes for the front suspension leaf spring and other rubber components, to replace those parts that deteriorate over time, windscreens and chrome trim. There is also a large stock of secondhand parts which require some maintenance such as engines, gearboxes and ancillary parts.

The members funds are used to order new and to remanufacture parts which are then sold exclusively to members at cost price.

There are cars and parts advertised for sale.


The Consortium Newsletter

This is published four times a year for all members, an index of all back issues of the Newsletter is available to members as are all back issues on request.

Recent issues have included contemporary road tests of all models, reports on restoration projects, advice and guidance on maintenance, new and secondhand parts recently available for sale to members, body panel and other suppliers, reports from owners on their experiences of their cars and much more.

In addition to the Newsletter, there is a wide range of owners' and workshop manuals for all models, including separate manuals and guidance on the fuel injection systems which are all made available on a flash drive/memory stick at cost price. In addition, we are developing our Members' Only section of this website (password protected for members) to include downloads of workshop manuals and other tecnical information and guidance.